After months of testimony from Day’s side in the case, on May 13 it’s our turn before the judge - and we'd love to see you there.
Our first expert witness is Marie-Claude Prémont, a well-respected Professor of Law at the École Nationale d'Administration Publique. Marie-Claude will present evidence on how Chauolli v. Quebec, a court decision in Quebec that put restraints on medicare, has made it harder for patients in that province to get the care they need.
Prémont’s evidence is critical for the court to hear because the changes to our health care system that Day is seeking go far beyond the Chaoulli case. Day wants to change the rules so that any doctor can charge patients unlimited amounts for all procedures and services, and to introduce an American-style system of parallel private care and insurance. That would put private insurance companies in the position to deny patients health care coverage for any service from visits to the emergency room to cancer treatments.
Our evidence in the case will prove that Brian Day’s vision for health care in Canada would harm patients’ health, disrupt medical practices, drive health costs up, and weaken the Canadian economy.
If you’re able to join us at the courthouse in Vancouver on Monday to hear our first expert’s testimony, we’d love to see you there - BC Supreme Court, 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver at 10am.