Lawsuit against Canadian health care goes to trial September 6


Lawsuit against Canadian health care goes to trial September 6
If successful, many Canadians would not be able to afford health care, wait lists for treatment would grow

The lawsuit against Canadian medicare begins September 6 at the BC Supreme Court.
The plaintiffs -- led by Dr. Brian Day, co-owner of the private, for-profit Cambie Corporation -- are seeking changes to Canada’s health care system that:

Would mean doctors could charge patients unlimited amounts for all procedures and services - from routine check-ups to hip surgeries.
Would create an American-style system with parallel private care and insurance (putting private insurance companies in the position to deny patients health care coverage for basic services like visits to the emergency room or cancer treatment).
If the lawsuit is successful, research shows the new system would mean many Canadians would not be able to afford health care and wait lists for treatment would grow.

BCHC and Canadian Doctors for Medicare are intervenors in the case. We will bring key evidence before the courts in defence of Canadians' access to health care based on need, not ability to pay.

It is anticipated the trial will last at least 24 weeks.

Details and contact information for news media:

Case information
Details about the case and participants are available online for quick access:

Media contacts

Adam Lynes-Ford
Campaigner, BC Health Coalition
Phone:  604-787-6560
Email:   [email protected]

Mary-Margaret Jones
Communications, Canadian Doctors for Medicare
Phone:   416-351-3300 | 416-909-5911
Email:   [email protected]